On-Field Encourager
For a better understanding of what to expect as an "On-Field Encourager" at Fields of Faith, please watch the video below, see other training materials, and REGISTER TODAY.
As a volunteer on the Encourager Team, you have the most important and rewarding role of the night.
This event was conceived out of answered prayer and should be fully bathed in prayer before, during and after the event. "Encourager" volunteers have more specific Do's and Don'ts because of the seriousness of your role working in direct contact with young people making eternal decisions. Please follow the process and adhere to the procedures below. As an Encourager, you will be required to wear a specific (provided) fluorescent yellow FCA VEST during the event. These VESTS will be distributed to you prior to the event at check-in. The distinct and unique color will make it easy for students responding on the field to spot the "safe" people. These "safe" people will be the ONLY people allowed on the field during decision time.
If you have NOT completed and submitted your Encourager Agreement Form (at bottom of this page) we simply cannot allow you to work on the field for security reasons. Please know that it is VERY important that we provide a safe environment with solid, mature Christian men and women working with these new brothers and sisters in Christ and must have time to confirm your application through your pastor. These procedures are in place solely for THAT purpose.
If you agree with FCA's Statement of Faith and are committed to focusing, while on the field, on sharing Jesus and not on denominational issues, then please proceed to the Encourager Agreement Form at the bottom of this page. You will receive a confirmation e-mail and a more details after you complete and submit your information to officially register. Thank you!
Know What to Expect
1. Set the tone by engaging and welcoming the student(s) with love, encouragement, and celebration for what God is doing in their life to lead them to this point of decision. Don't wait for the students to come find you, you go to them as soon as the step foot on the field and spread out to find space to talk.
2. Lead directly to a definite acceptance of Christ. You don't need to tell a long history of your salvation - keep it short and simple! This is about helping them clarify and discern the gospel and the decision they are making in response to the invitation, so they have a greater peace and confidence about knowing Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
3. Be courteous, not overbearing or too talkative. Let them speak. Be a good listener. Ask simply questions about why they responded and come forward?
4. Talk with each person individually as much as possible. In a crowd, he or she may use excuses, but alone - or to the side they may open up more. (Of course, this is all dependent upon how many students respond and how many volunteers we have available. Be prepared to have more than 1 student in your group).
5. Always keep confident "faith". Faith is what makes things happen. You don't have to have all the answers.
6. Don't rely on your own ability or experiences. Keep praying for guidance and let the Holy Spirit guide you with each person you talk to.
Don't become impatient. This is the greatest decision in anyone's life.
7. Always encourage them to grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus by (1) Reading the Bible daily, (2) Praying Daily, (3) and getting plugged into a local church.
8. HELP THEM COMPLETE THE DECISION CARD in order for us to capture their decision and contact info for further follow-up and discipleship. Please them to write legibly.
9. Before you release the student to return to their seats, be sure to pray with them.
10. Keep the focus on Jesus and not on denominational issues. Believe the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest.
Commit Life to Christ
How to Begin:
1. If a student comes on the field during the first invitation, please understand that they are responding to a call of salvation and saying "I need Jesus."
2. Cast the right net...smile, be friendly and openly welcome.
3. Ask a simple question, like: "How are you doing tonight?"
4. Listen to their answer and ask WHY they came to you.
5. If the child is in CRISIS (shares anything about abuse, neglect, self harm (cutting), suicide, cutting, pregnant, alcohol/drug addiction, etc.), complete the following step of salvation if they need it and walk with them to the crisis counseling area located at the 50-yard line onn the east side. These professionals will be in ORANGE and help us take care of all legal reporting.
6. ASK THEM IF THEY they have their own Bible. If "No," tell them we will give them one after you are finished. Bibles will be avaialble at the event.
7. If they are truly there for Salvation, you need to walk them through the gospel helping them understand the decision they are making.
8. Please help them fill out "Commitment Card" and turn it back in (with your vest) at the check-in area, so we can have every decision and contact info recorded to share with each student's home church, for their pastors and leaders to help us follow up and disciple every person that responds.
You'll find some great scripture in some of the following sample verses. USE THE DIAGRAM ABOVE to illustrate salvation (we will provide you with a copy of the diagram at the event check-in as well.) Also, see "The Four" (videos to explain the 4 basic truths of gospel) below. Read through these and become familiar and comfortable with them, so that you can be prepare to respond to the students' needs.
EXPLAIN what "Being lost" actually means - SIN SEPARATES US from God:
Romans 6:23 - Our penalty for a life of sin is death, but God is offering us a free gift—eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Roman 3:23 - All humans have sinned, and all their wasted attempts to reach God in His glory always have failed.
JESUS: THE CROSS is our only bridge to God The Father
Romans 5:8 - But think about this: while we were wasting our lives in sin, God revealed His powerful love to us in a tangible display—Jesus Christ died for us.
Romans 10:13 - because as Scripture says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
John 5:24 - I tell you the truth: eternal life belongs to those who hear My voice and believe in the One who sent Me. These people have no reason to fear judgment because they have already left death and entered life.
I John 5:11 - And this is the truth: God has given us the gift of eternal life, and this life is in His Son.
Acts 3:19 - repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.
Romans 10:13 - because as Scripture says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
John 17:3 - And this is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.
John 5:13 - I am writing all of this to you who have entrusted your lives to the Son of God—so you will realize eternal life already is yours.
Once you've gone through the scriptures and explained to them...IF they are ready to receive Jesus as their personal Savior, walk them through how to accept Him into their life by placing their faith in Jesus. EXPLAIN with Scripture that there are no magical words to pray, BUT the fact that God knows YOUR HEART. Help guide them how to put their faith in Jesus as Lord, Master, and King:
Call upon the Lord - Romans 10:13
Confess I am a sinner (Romans 3:23)
Repent from sin (Acts 3:19)
Romans 10:9 - If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
How to Begin:
1. If a young person comes to you for prayer, please realize that there is something going on in their life that could be deep.
2. Listen to them! They want and need you to HEAR their hurt.
3. Encourage them and pray with them.
4. Don't assume anything or you may miss the greatest need they came forward with that they may not even be aware of at the moment.
5. Be sure to ask if they know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
6. If the child is in CRISIS (shares anything about abuse, neglect, self hatred, suicide, cutting, pregnant, alcohol/drug addiction, etc.), discretely escort them to the crisis counseling area located on the east side wall at the 50-yard line. These professionals will be in ORANGE and help us take care of all legal reporting.
7. ASK THEM IF THEY HAVE THEIR OWN BIBLE. If "NO" tell them we will give them one after you are finished. Bibles will be available at the event.
God Loves You
God made you and loves you! His love is boundless and unconditional. God is real, and He wants you to personally experience His love and discover His purpose of your life through a relationship with Him.
Sin Separates You
You cannot experience God’s love when you ignore Him. People search everywhere for meaning and fulfilment—but not with God. They don’t trust God and ignore His ways. The Bible calls this sin. Everyone has sinned.
Sin damages your relationships with other people and with God. It keeps us from experiencing the fulfilling life that God intends for us. The result: you are eternally separated from God and the life He planned for you.
Jesus Rescues You
Sin does not stop God from loving you. Because of God’s great love, He became a human being in Jesus Christ and gave His life for you. At the cross, Jesus took your place and paid the penalty of death that you deserve for your sins.
Jesus died, but He rose to life again. Jesus offers you peace with God and a personal relationship with Him. Through faith in Jesus, you can experience God’s love daily, discover your purpose and have eternal life after death.
Will You Trust Jesus?
You can place your trust in Jesus by faith through prayer.
Prayer is talking with God. God knows your heart and is not concerned with your words as much as He is with the attitude of your heart. Here’s a suggested prayer:
Dear God, thank you for loving me and wanting the best for my life. I have lived my life for myself and done things my way, and I am truly sorry.
Jesus, I believe that you are God and have forgiven all my sins by dying and coming back to life again for me. I trust You and ask You to be Lord of my life. I surrender my life to You. You are my God, my Savior and my Lord. Let me experience Your love and Your good plans for my life!. Amen.
THANK YOU for volunteering to serve with us in this critical role. We will be reaching out to you soon!! In the meantime, please look over the helpful resources found on our Fields of Faith page.